Wednesday, June 18, 2008

See My Last Post

It was good to get The Orgasm Post (see below) off my chest.

Sharing that info is one reason I rented a pink apartment.

Whew. I hope people find it.

On Becoming a Sex Goddess

I may as well start off with a BANG here in my new pink apartment.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your husband's sex drive? To want it basically all the time, like having a little sex engine that is idling constantly and springs into action as soon as something steps on the gas?

I always wondered. I have a good sex drive and we have always had a fantastic sex life. But my drive never matched his.

And, in my opinion, sex is really, really important. You should be having lots of it and loving it. In a marriage, it's just a critical thing to get right.

So I offer this: The Orgasm Diet. And whether you are doing fine or it's fairly ho-hum, you need this book!

I know. It sounds tacky. You will be making a mistake however, if you don't at least buy this one little paperback book and try it for 8 weeks.

"Diet" is a bit misleading in the sense that we associate diets with eliminating foods and losing weight. This is more of a "program" to boost your libido and make sex more satisfying.

As I said before, I had it good. I had no complaints. But now? Whole Other Level I Did Not Realize Existed. (I've rolled over to wake him up in the middle of the night. How's that for a switch?)

And you want a diet that works just by popping a pill? Here ya go baby! Plus, I really like that everything she recommends is all natural and healthy for you anyway.

Here's my scoop:

1) You take a lot of fish oil every day. That's a major component and the author explains how to calculate your amount based on your weight. I take supplemental fish oil three times a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

2) You need to buy a Gyneflex. Forget kegels. Gyneflex is easy (10 or 15 minutes each night while I'm in bed watching a Scrubs re-run and I'm done.) and it makes a HUGE ASS difference. Had kids much? I've got 3. Vaginal births. You will have the love tunnel of a 20 year old again if you just do this a bit each day. This has the effect of enhancing things for you and hubs, but it also creates an increase in blood flow "down there" and an increased feeling of awareness. Awareness is the only way I know to describe it. But you're just in touch with your sensations in a heightened way and so, you have stronger orgasms, or for some women, you have them for the first time.

3) Other miscellaneous stuff. I take more than just the fish oil. There are other vitamin supplements she recommends and I take a little hand full of stuff that I won't detail here. She recommends cutting out "libido killers" like sugary things and increasing good things like beans, fruits, veggies. All standard you-should-be-doing-this-anyway stuff, but she explains how these dietary choices affect libido. And she says exercise helps. Well duh. Blood flow, energy boost, feeling generally better about yourself, blah blah. But yes, this helps.

Honestly, I don't exercise and I don't follow all the dietary guidelines. That's why I say start with fish oil and the Gyneflex. Those two things kicked in and made a believer out of me. Now I'm starting to watch diet more, and I have a plan to start exercising (don't laugh) because I want to maintain my libido.

The Backstory, in brief:

My husband read about this book somewhere (Men's Health maybe?) and ordered it. Even though I'm responsive and can orgasm, he fixated on this book and wanted me to try it. Well, fish oil is good for me, and the Gyneflex - sure why not. I did it to humor him. I didn't even read the book. And I didn't expect anything.

And for two to three weeks, I didn't get anything. Same same.

Then it just exploded. Suddenly I felt the effects. Everything was heightened. I was thinking about sex a lot during the day. Kind of distracting actually. And the sex went from fantastic to mind blowing.

At a certain point age-wise, women start to lack sufficient lubrication. I had suffered from this for a few years and it was not a big deal. We just used lubricants. Suddenly they weren't necessary. Just thinking about him at work I'd get super wet. Holy crap. It really works.

Here's my BIG ADDED SIDE BENEFIT: as someone who struggles with depression, the boost in my mood and my energy level were significant. No meds. All natural stuff. I am happy and peppy and bounce back MUCH easier from things that would have thrown me before. I won't go on, but this benefit is being much understated here.

One more thing and I'll end my PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MOMS rant. The woman who wrote this book writes her personal story; why she started experimenting with how to increase her own libido and how it worked out. She's a little nutty. She takes it too far in my opinion. But ignore that. Just try it for 2 months. You will blow your husband's mind (that's always fun).

(You can't do this if you're preggers.)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm moving in today! Unloading some mental boxes in this brand spanking new, bright pink apartment in Constance's building.

Anonymity. Ahhh.

I'll be cussing here. And also discussing sex.

Cause I can't at my other place. Mom reads. MIL reads. Other parents at my kid's school read. I don't even know who all reads. I've lost track.

So here I am, setting up for some trashy girl talk! Wa-hoo!

Be back real soon. I've got to go let Constance know I'm here.